Frequently Asked Questions

What time does the run start?

Feel free to run anytime, day or night, from September 19 until September 26, 2020.

Are there recommended routes?

We have recommended routes that begin and end with one of our participating brewpub partners. View routes here.

Is the Chase run on trails or public streets?

You can make a Chase route to best suit your running preferences! Run whenever and wherever you like. If you want to run the treadmill or a 5k loop in your kitchen, who are we to judge! We have a number of suggested routes as well. These routes begin and end at one of our participating brewpub partners. Finish your run and use one of your exclusive discounts. BE SURE TO FOLLOW ALL SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES AND ROAD RULES!

View routes here.

Can I run with others?

Yes, but be sure to practice social distancing guidelines, such as wearing a mask and keeping at least 6’ apart. Give other runners, bicyclists and walkers at least 6’ of distance when passing.

Are shirts sized for women and men?

Yes, if you would like to purchase a shirt for $10, you can select the size that works best for you.

Will there be official timing and when will the race results be ready?

Yes, submission of race results may be submitted via web form or text message. You will have the option to include a link to your Strava, Garvin Connect or RunKeeper activity. If you do this, your results will be marked as Verified. Only Verified results will be considered for awards. If you do not have one of these apps, you may download Strava for free and run with your phone. Official race results will be available September 27, 2020, or shortly after.

Does the Chase Through Tigard Tualatin support a charity?

Yes! The proceeds from the Chase go to support The Foundation for Tigard Tualatin Schools. COVID-19 has caused us to cancel several events, so we are putting 100% of run registration fees towards future School Grants that help pay for additional teacher hours, and innovative classroom programs that are not funded through state budgets or by parent support organizations.

Is the Chase walker friendly?

Yes! You can set your own pace whether that’s a run, a jog or a walk.

Do I have to use Strava, Garmin Connect or RunKeeper in order to run?

Only if you want to have your results Verified and considered for an award. Other results may be submitted via web form or text messaging but will not be considered for an award. If you do not have one of these apps, sign up for a FREE Strava account at

How will I get my shirt and awards (if qualified)?

There will be at least two pick up dates and locations (TBD) after September 27, 2020. We will notify you using your registration email or you may check for details on the RunSignUp or Foundation websites. YOU MUST ATTEND ONE OF THESE PICK UPS IF YOU WANT YOUR SHIRT AND AWARD. Due to postage costs, we will be unable to send shirts and awards through the mail.

Am I limited to visiting only one of the participating brewpubs?

No, you may visit all of the participating brewpubs and use your exclusive discounts any time between September 19 and September 27, 2020. You may redeem one special offer at each location per registered bib number. Locations will have a list of bib numbers to check off your visit.

How do I use my raffle entries?

We will use your registration email to follow up with details for the Foundation’s Fall Fundraising Raffle (dates TBD) and give you the details at that time.

Tag us and or upload your pictures on our Chase Checkin posts on Facebook and use the hashtag #FTTSChase2020 for another free raffle entry.